Product Disclosure Statement
1 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
1TradeMarket Ltd.
INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1TradeMarket GENERAL INFORMATION…………………….………………………………………………………….…………. 4
PERSONAL FINANCIAL POSITION DISCLAIMER………………………………………………………………………………… 4
NOTICE OF RISK……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
TAX IMPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER……………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
FINANCIAL ADVICE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
MODIFICATION OF PDS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
TERMS OF BUSINESS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
ESTABLISHING YOUR ACCOUNT………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
FUNDING YOUR ACCOUNT………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
CONFIRMATIONS OF TRANSACTIONS………………………………………………………………………………………….…6
CLIENT MONIES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
COUNTERPARTY RISKS-HEDGING…………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
COUNTERPARTY RISK-FINANCIAL RESOURCES………………………………………………………………………….……… 7
SUSPENDED OR HALTED UNDERLYING ASSETS………………………………………………………………………………… 8
MARGIN CALLS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
LIQUIDATION .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
RATES, FEES AND COSTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
FINANCING CHARGES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
PRIVACY POLICY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
DISPUTE RESOLUTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
COOLING-OFF ARRANGEMENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
TRADING HOURS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10
WHAT IS AN OTC CONTRACT……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
MARGIN OBLIGATIONS TO 1TradeMarket……………………..……………………………………………………………………. 10
MARGIN FX CONTRACT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10
CONTRACTS FOR DIFFERENCE (“CFDs”)………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
GENERAL RISKS OF PRODUCTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18
GLOSSARY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
2 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
The information and any general advice in this PDS
does not take into account your personal
objectives, financial situation and needs. Before
This Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is dated
trading in the products referred to in this PDS, you
May 10th, 2018 and was prepared by 1TradeMarket
should read this PDS and be satisfied that any
Ltd. who is required to
trading you undertake in relation to these products
give you this PDS because it is deemed to be the
is appropriate in view of your objectives, financial
issuer of financial products which are derivatives.
situation and needs as well as considering the risks
This PDS document seeks to explain to you the
associated with dealing in these products. You
significant features of our financial products,
should read all sections of this PDS before making
including their risks, benefits and costs, in a clear
a decision to acquire the financial products
and concise manner. Through reading this PDS
described herein. This PDS is subject to the
we hope to provide you with sufficient information
provisions of the Terms and Conditions. Before
to make an informed decision regarding acquiring
making a decision about acquiring our financial
our financial products.
products you should also read our Financial
Services Guide (“FSG”) and Terms and Conditions
This document is our PDS for Margin Foreign
in their entirety.
Exchange Contracts (“Margin FX Contracts”) and
Contracts for Difference (“CFD”).
If you have any questions regarding our products
or this PDS, please contact us, or visit our website
Margin FX Contracts and CFDs are considered
speculative products which are highly
leveraged and carry significantly greater risks
than non-geared investments, such as shares.
1TradeMarket GENERAL
You should not invest in Margin FX or CFD
products unless you properly understand the
nature of these products and are comfortable
1TradeMarket Ltd. registered in St. Vincent and the
with the attendant risks. You should obtain
financial, legal, taxation and other professional
advice prior to entering into a Margin FX or CFD
“1TradeMarket” “we” or “us), is an issuer of
contracts to ensure this is appropriate for your
Derivatives: Exchange traded and Over the
objectives, needs and circumstances.
(OTC) Margin FX Contracts and CFD
Contact Information
We recommend that you obtain independent
taxation and accounting advice in relation to the
Griffith Corporate
impact of Margin FX or CFD gains and losses on
Centre Beachmont, Kingston,
your particular financial situation. Trading in
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Margin FX and CFD products has the potential
for generating substantial profits and the
Phone (UK):
potential for generating substantial losses.
OTC and exchange traded contracts can be
highly leveraged and speculative with a high
degree of risk. Potential investors and traders
should be experienced in Margin FX and CFD
products or understand and accept the risks of
investing in OTC contracts.
We recommend that you consult your financial
3 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
adviser or obtain other independent advice before
trading in the products referred to in this PDS.
1TradeMarket accepts Margin FX and CFD order
1TradeMarket does not and will not give you personal
instructions via the electronic trading platform(s)
financial product advice and this PDS does not
You are required to access the electronic trading
constitute a recommendation or opinion that the
platform(s) on a daily basis to confirm that any
products referred to in this PDS are appropriate
order instructions you submitted have in fact
to you.
been received by us, to re-confirm all orders that
you placed with us, to review order confirmations
we provided to ensure their accuracy and
monitor your Margin obligations. Any order
discrepancies identified must be reported to us
The information in this PDS is subject to change
from time to time and is up to date as of the date
of this document. If there is any material change
1TradeMarket will provide all clients, via the electronic
to this information, we will issue a new or
trading platform, with access to both daily and
supplementary PDS with the new information.
historical account statements allowing you to
You will be able to find the updated information
check your open positions, Margin requirements
on our website at or by
and cash balances, and trading confirmations.
contacting us.
Should you have any queries relating to your
statements we encourage you to contact us.
1TradeMarket does not guarantee the performance, return
The offer to which this PDS relates is available only
of capital from, or any particular rate of return of
to persons receiving the PDS in 1TradeMarket registered
a Margin FX or CFD product. You may lose more
jurisdictions. This PDS does not constitute an offer
than the amount of funds in your account and
or invitation in any place which, or to any person to
should only invest risk capital you can afford to
whom, it would not be lawful to make such an offer
lose. Please note that the historical financial
or invitation. The distribution of this PDS
performance of any Margin FX or CFDs or
(electronically or otherwise) in any jurisdiction
underlying instrument/market is no guarantee or
outside 1TradeMarket registered jurisdictions may be
indicator of future performance.
restricted by law and persons who come into
possession of this PDS should seek advice on
The act by 1TradeMarket of deducting fees from a Client
and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to
Account on behalf of a third party or referring to a
comply with such restrictions may constitute a
third-party asset manager, software vendor or
violation of applicable laws.
plugin on 1TradeMarket website or elsewhere, is not an
endorsement of that third party or its software. 1TradeMarket
takes no responsibility whatsoever for any losses
incurred by the Client on behalf of third party,
Money Manager or assigns, in connection with a
This PDS is an important legal document and its
third party or its software.
terms are binding on you. Additional legal terms
governing our relationship are detailed in the 1TradeMarket
1TradeMarket reserves the right in its absolute discretion to
Terms and Conditions”.
cancel, unwind, close out, repair, reinstate if in 1TradeMarket
view, there has been an actual, suspected or
1TradeMarket Terms and Conditions must be read and
potential breach of this Agreement, or 1TradeMarket
agreed to before a contract is entered into. When
believes acting in such a way is necessary to protect
you use our services, you will be bound to our
its own interests, or the interests of clients.
Terms and Conditions.
In order to open an account, you are required to
complete, sign, and return an online Application.
Your Application to open an account must be
approved by 1TradeMarket. 1TradeMarket reserves the right to
refuse to open an account for any person.
The Client acknowledges and agrees, and will
4 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
ensure that each Authorised User acknowledges
and agrees, that:
The Client is wholly responsible for managing the
risks (including the risk of financial loss) associated
1TradeMarket is authorised to deduct fees from the Client
with using third party payment processors, software
Account, upon receipt by 1TradeMarket of confirmation that
or plugins, however they are characterized.
the Client has elected to subscribe to a particular
third-party payment processors, software or plugin.
1TradeMarket does not authorize or endorse any third-
party payment processor(s), software or
1TradeMarket is entitled to refuse to allow or terminate,
plugins. The Client is aware of the risks associated
refuse access or otherwise impose limitations on
with third party payment processors, software or
certain third-party payment processors, software or
plugins, all of which may result in substantial
plugins at any time, without reason.
financial loss. Risks include: loss of control of
trades; loss of money, loss due to latency, loss due
1TradeMarket does not accept
―cash equivalents as
to technical error, potentially misleading claims
opening collateral (e.g. no securities as deposits).
made by Money Managers, software vendors;
software not working with 1TradeMarket Online Platform(s);
All deposits must be cleared funds before they will
being subject to a Margin Call or Forced
be available to you for trading. This can take up to
Liquidation; and fraudulent or other illegal activity
48 hours, or longer over non-banking days.
by Money Manager or software vendor.
When transferring funds to 1TradeMarket you must ensure
that the funds are appropriately referenced with
your account number to enable us to easily identify
your funds and apply them to your account
You need to establish an Account by completing
the application form on t h e C L M website or by
1TradeMarket will only act on funds that have cleared, so
contacting 1TradeMarket directly.
we recommend that you maintain a sufficient
Margin in your account at all times to maintain your
By opening an Account, you agree to the Account
open positions.
1TradeMarket does not accept funds transferred from third
Before you enter into a transaction, 1TradeMarket will
parties, so it is your obligation to ensure that all
require you to deposit an Initial Margin. This is
funds transferred to us are an account under your
paid to 1TradeMarket (and is not held on your behalf).
name. We may, in our absolute discretion,
After you make a transaction, Confirmation of the
without creating an obligation to do so, return
transaction will be given (such as being reported
any funds transferred or received from a third
online or in an online account statement or
party, back to the account from which it was
1TradeMarket will not accept any liability or responsibility
for any losses that you may suffer as a result of,
or arising out of, or in connection with, us
Once your application has been approved you
returning any transfer of moneys from a third
may fund your account in a number of ways.
party, including any losses incurred by banks or
payment processors.
Clients may deposit funds, as opening and
ongoing collateral. 1TradeMarket accepts the following
forms of payments:
• credit cards
• debit cards
The confirmation of your transactions, may be
• bank transfer
obtained by accessing the daily statement online,
• electronic wallets
which you can print. Once you have entered an
order into the online trading platform, the system
5 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
may report the main features of your transaction in
counterparties and other organizations 1TradeMarket hold
“pop-up” window. This is a preliminary
client monies with. If 1TradeMarket or its counterparties
notification for your convenience and is not
financial condition deteriorates then this place at
designed to be a Confirmation.
risk the ability to return client monies and you may
suffer unrecoverable losses.
If you provided 1TradeMarket with an e-mail or other
you consent to
As client funds are co-mingled with funds from
Confirmations being
sent electronically,
other clients in the segregated client account there
including by way of the information posted to
is a likelihood that your funds may be used to cover
your Account in the online trading platform. It is
payment obligations of other clients and you may
your obligation to review the Confirmation
suffer losses due to defaults by other clients.
immediately to ensure its accuracy and to report
any discrepancies within forty-eight hours.
1TradeMarket does not accept payments from or make
payments to any third parties.
1TradeMarket is entitled to retain all interest earned on
client moneys held in segregated accounts with a
1TradeMarket maintain and apply a clear policy in
bank or approved deposit-taking institution. The
relation to the use of client money. Please be
rate of interest earned by 1TradeMarket on this account is
aware that any money deposited into your
determined by the provider of the deposit facility.
trading account is deposited with other client
moneys in our segregated client account and
co-mingled with other client deposits. This
money is applied to client or settlement
obligations to pay for agreed fees, margins and
1TradeMarket maintains a written policy to manage its
other clearing costs.
exposure to market risk from clients’ open
positions. This includes a risk management and
You should be aware that, for client accounts
compliance system in place to manage (hedge)
1TradeMarket may use client moneys in the account to
our trading exposure and assessing any new
meet obligations in connection with margining,
and current hedge counterparties.
guaranteeing, securing, transferring, adjusting or
settling dealings in derivatives
(not just these
Given that you are dealing with 1TradeMarket as
Margin FX, Binaries, and CFDs) by 1TradeMarket, including
counterparty to every OTC transaction, you will
dealings on behalf of people other than the client
have an exposure to us in relation to each
whose moneys were deposited into the account.
transaction. This is common to all OTC financial
market products. You are reliant on 1TradeMarket ability to
Monies deposited into your trading account to
meet its counterparty obligations to you to settle
meet margins, deposits, fees, transactions
the relevant contract. 1TradeMarket may choose to limit this
settlement, or other costs may be forwarded (if
exposure by entering into opposite transactions as
applicable) to our licensed third party clearing
principal in the wholesale market in relation to
and execution providers, and a p p l i e d against
its exposures with clients.
your margin, exchange, fee and settlement
With respect to FX Contracts, the hedging
Client monies held for future transactions will be
counterparty is reliant on the performance of
kept in the segregated client account. Although
(“liquidity providers”) with which it
funds are kept in a segregated account you may not
offsets its exposure. An assessment of the hedge
be afforded absolute protection.
counterparty takes into account the risks involved
when dealing with them and ensures that the
1TradeMarket enter into arrangements with third party
hedge counterparty is of creditable financial
execution and clearing providers to facilitate
standing, licensed by a comparable regulator, and
transactions and settlements and uses monies
are of sound reputation. The hedging
received for Margin Calls and settlements for this
counterparty will use only liquidity providers which
purpose. Clients need to be aware that they are
are substantial banks or substantial counterparties.
indirectly exposed to the financial risks of these
1TradeMarket do take on the risk that our counterparties may
6 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
become insolvent or fail to meet their obligations to
financial requirements are maintained include,
but are not limited to, monthly monitoring of
adjusted surplus liquid funds calculation,
1TradeMarket deal with some of the most respected
conducting a daily client cash segregation
institutions in the industry as liquidity providers
calculation and transferring money owed to clients
to limit the counterparty risks. Currently our
to segregated client accounts if needed.
liquidity providers are Goldman Sachs, Morgan
Stanley, HSBC, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse,
The credit risk which you have on 1TradeMarket depends
Lucid, UBS AG, Barclays, Citibank, JP Morgan,
on its solvency generally as well as on the
and Deutsche Bank. Our Providers may change
amount (and kind) of its capitalization, its cash
on a regular basis.
flow, all of its business risks, its client and
financial product concentration risks, its
It is possible that 1TradeMarket hedging counterparty may
counterparty risks for all of its business and
become insolvent or it is possible that other
transactions, its risk management systems and
clients of the hedge counterparty may cause a
actual implementation of that risk management.
default which reduces the financial resources or
capacity for the hedge counterparty to perform its
Your credit risk will fluctuate throughout the day
obligations owed to 1TradeMarket under the hedge
and from day to day, including due to the implied
credit risk on hedging counterparties, whose
credit risk to 1TradeMarket (and so indirectly to you) cannot
If 1TradeMarket defaults on its obligations, investors may
be assessed or verified on a continuous basis or
become unsecured creditors in an administration
perhaps at all.
or liquidation and will not have recourse to any
underlying assets in the event of 1TradeMarket insolvency.
We receive input and reviews from our external
accountants and legal providers, our accounts
It is therefore possible that 1TradeMarket might not fully
are independently audited at the end of the
recover from its hedge counterparty due to reasons
financial year.
not arising from your own positions, or it may incur
costs in seeking the recovery or choose to
terminate recovery efforts early, thereby reducing
the proceeds available to 1TradeMarket to allocate in its
discretion to you under the contract issued to you.
It is important to understand that you have no rights
1TradeMarket do not permit the opening of any new
positions where there is trading halt over the
or beneficial interest in any contract which 1TradeMarket has
underlying asset or trading in the underlying asset
with its hedge counterparty and you cannot force
has been suspended on the relevant Exchange
1TradeMarket to make any decision about seeking recovery
against its hedge counterparty. You are dependent
upon which the underlying asset is listed.
on 1TradeMarket taking that action to seek recovery and how
You will not be able to enter into any new
it pursues that action, although 1TradeMarket would act
honestly, fairly and efficiently in deciding if and how
transactions where there is a trading halt or
suspension in the underlying asset:
to pursue that recovery action.
If trading in the underlying asset is suspended or
halted by the relevant Exchange (or the relevant
index is suspended), the position, where possible,
will be valued by 1TradeMarket for your account.
1TradeMarket maintain and apply a written policy to
Foreign exchange markets trade continuously.
ensure the ongoing maintenance of adequate
They open at 05:00pm American EST Sunday
financial resources. We further maintain a
evening and close at 05:00pm, American EST on
detailed Risk Register, in which key risks of our
Friday. They are open
24 hours during this
business are identified, reviewed and controls
period. Prices are continuously streamed during
this period. Because foreign exchange is not an
exchange-traded product, it is not possible to
Steps taken on a daily basis to ensure 1TradeMarket
suspend or halt the streaming of these prices.
7 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
The calculation of the price to be paid (or the
payout to be received) for Margin FX or CFD
products offered by 1TradeMarket, at the time the contract
is purchased or sold, will be based on our best
1TradeMarket has a written policy that outlines how we
estimate of market prices and the expected level of
margin our clients. There are two types of
interest rates, implied volatilities and other market
margin calls:
conditions during the life of the financial contract
and is based on a complex arithmetic calculation.
Initial Margin. This is the initial deposit required
The calculation will include a spread in favor of
by 1TradeMarket to cover our risk and will be used to meet
1TradeMarket. The contract prices
(or the payout
the client’s obligation before opening a new
amounts) offered to clients hedging, trading or
speculating on market prices may differ from
prices available in the primary or underlying
Variation Margin. This is the margin that has to
markets where contracts are traded. This is due
be met by the client should there be adverse
to the spread favoring 1TradeMarket in the price
market movements. If the client wishes to keep
calculation. Different spreads are used depending
the position open, then the variation margin call
on the currency pair traded.
MUST be met to avoid 1TradeMarket from exercising its
right to close the open position.
1TradeMarket earns its income from the business spread (or
Maintenance Margin - to maintain the margin cover
margin) that we apply to our Margin FX Contracts,
in light of adjustments to the percentage of value of
and CFD products. This is the difference between
the underlying allowed as margin cover or other
the rate at which we buy and sell the financial
trading platform adjustments not related to the
(i.e. between the wholesale price
price movements of the financial products.
achieved by 1TradeMarket and your trade price). This
spread is incorporated into the rates quoted to
1TradeMarket monitors all open positions of its clients on
you and is not an additional charge or fee
mark to market basis. In case of adverse
payable by you. These spreads will differ
movements in the markets that cause a loss to a
depending on the currency pairs traded or value of
client, the client will be notified to fund the
the CFD’s underlying asset. Accordingly, the
account by phone, email or WhatsApp
decision to transact at a particular rate will always
message to the client. Our MT4 sends
be your decision. However, once you agree to a
electronic notification to all clients who trade
particular exchange rate that is the total amount
on it.
payable by you to 1TradeMarket.
1TradeMarket offers several different trading accounts that
feature different spreads and charges:
1TradeMarket first warning is sent when client equity falls
below 80% of required margin, to notify clients that
Standard Accounts - Standard accounts
they are getting close to automatic trade
feature spreads from 1 pip without a commission.
liquidation. Clients are stopped out if their account
Plus Accounts
- Plus accounts feature
balance falls below 50% of margin requirements
spreads from 0.0 pip with a commission of $4.00
and their positions may be liquidated without
per 100,000 traded.
further reference to the client.
Pro Accounts - Pro accounts feature spreads
When a margin call is triggered o n an account
from 0.0 pip with a commission of $2.50 per
then individual positions will be liquidated until the
100,000 traded.
remaining equity is sufficient to support existing
position(s). In deciding what positions will be
By using or continuing to use our services, you
individually liquidated the largest losing position
agree that:
will be closed first during liquidation.
Fees must be paid to us immediately upon
execution of the trade and will be deducted from
your account in accordance with the Application
Terms & Conditions.
8 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
by debiting or crediting the client’s trading
All fees and charges received by 1TradeMarket as described
account with the amount calculated in accordance
in this PDS and the FSG (other than third party fees
with the Rollover/Interest fees. During the rollover
and charges) are a benefit given to us by you, in
period trading will be disabled to prevent widened
exchange for the market making and dealing
spreads caused by the “end of day” in New York.
services provided by 1TradeMarket.
This can last for 5 to 10 minutes and you will not be
able to trade at this time. You may suffer financial
1TradeMarket do not charge volume-based or asset-based
loss or gain as a result. 1TradeMarket does not accept or
fees for any advice we provide.
bear any liability whatsoever in relation to the
rollover period.
1TradeMarket does not provide a market amongst or
between clients for investments or speculations.
The swap that is applied will also be tripled for
As stated above, each product purchased (or sold)
positions held on the Wednesday rollover. Due to
by you is an individual agreement made between
the settlement structure within the spot market,
you and 1TradeMarket and is not transferable, negotiable
trades that are open on Wednesday will be settled
or assignable to or with any third party.
on the following Monday and therefore there is a
need to account for interest earned/charged over
1TradeMarket reserves the right to pass on administration
this period.
charges such as (but not limited to) credit card
merchant fees, electronic wallet fees and bank wire
transfer fees. Full details on such fees are available
from our website.
Your privacy is important to us. The information
you provide 1TradeMarket and any other information
Bank charges and fees imposed on 1TradeMarket to clear
provided by you in connection with your
your funds or in respect of your payments will also
account will primarily be used for the
be charged to your Trading Account.
processing of your account. We may use this
information to send you details of other services
or provide you with information that we believe
may be of interest to you. Full details of our
In the event of you holding a Margin FX Contract,
privacy policy are available from our website
or CFD position overnight you may be paid or
have to pay interest depending upon your
For example, if you are
“long” a foreign
1TradeMarket has an internal dispute resolution process in
exchange contract overnight you may receive
place to resolve any complaints or concerns you
an interest payment whereas if you are “short” a
may have, quickly and fairly. Any complaints or
foreign exchange contract overnight you will be
concerns should be directed to the Complaints
charged interest.
Officer to
If you are “long” an index CFD overnight, you will be
charged interest whereas if you are “short” an index
We will provide acknowledgement of receipt of
CFD overnight you may be paid interest.
written complaints within
3 business days and
seek to resolve and respond to complaints within
Interest calculations are based on the total
30 business days of receipt. We will investigate
notional value of your open position and are
your complaint, and provide you with our
calculated at LIBOR (London Interbank Offer Rate)
decision, and the reasons on which it is based, in
or LIBID (London Interbank Bid Rate) plus or minus
a margin. Interest is calculated daily and posted
to your account at the end of each day.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you have
the right to engage legal counsel.
All the positions which remain open until 23:59
(Server time) will be subject to interest
earned/charged. The positions will be rolled over
9 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
subject to margin requirements and clients must
deposit funds for security / margining purposes.
There are no cooling-off arrangements for the
Accordingly, you are responsible to meet all margin
Margin FX or CFDs offered by 1TradeMarket. This means
requirements required by 1TradeMarket. When you place a,
that when you enter a transaction with 1TradeMarket you do
CFD or FX transaction and while that transaction
not have a right to return the product and you do
remains open you need to have sufficient free
not have the right to request 1TradeMarket to repay the
margin in your account to satisfy the margin amount
money you have paid to acquire the product.
for the relevant number of contracts, FX Contracts
Should you change your mind after entering into
or CFDs you hold. Margin requirements may vary
a transaction with 1TradeMarket, you should close out your
between customers and 1TradeMarket reserves the right to
position by entering into an offsetting and
change margin requirements on a per customer
opposite transaction.
basis. Margin requirements can be changed for
regulatory reasons, changes in your account size,
currency pair or position traded, volatility, acts of
God, or any unknown factors that 1TradeMarket may
1TradeMarket provides trading facilities via its Trading
presume in the marketplace that could negatively
Platform from
05:00pm American EST Sunday
impact its current margin risk assessment. Please
evening and close at 05:00pm, American EST on
note that an increased margin requirement may
Friday. In the event that the Trading Platform is
mean that you are required to transfer additional
unavailable due to a systems disruption, then the
funds into your account before an order for a,
services will be provided by us via the telephone.
Foreign Exchange or CFD contract will be accepted
by the 1TradeMarket platforms. Also, please note that the
This means that you are able to view live prices and
increased margin requirement may result in a
place live orders during these hours. Outside
margin call or possible liquidation.
these hours, you may still access the Trading
Platform and view your account, market
1TradeMarket currently offers one trading platform:
information, research and our other services.
Metatrader. The trading platform will calculate in
However, there will not be any live prices quoted
real time both the margin requirement and the
and thus, you will not be able to enter into
remaining free margin in your account. For
transactions. Any changes to operating hours will
Metatrader 4 you can see the margin requirements
be displayed on the website.
and remaining free margin in the “Trade” section of
the “platform” under the columns “Margin” (Used
What is an OTC Contract?
Margin), and “Free Margin” (Usable Margin).
Unlike financial products traded on an exchange,
Margin requirements can fluctuate from intraday, to
Margin FX contracts, Binaries and CFDs are Over-
overnight, to over the weekend.
(OTC) contracts which are not
standardized but are individually tailored to the
particular requirements of the parties involved in
the contract—in this case, you and 1TradeMarket — but
What is a Margin FX Contract (“Margin FX
subject to minimum contract values.
The terms involved in the negotiation of the
contract (or transaction) are:
A Margin FX Contract is a product offered by
1TradeMarket based on the exchange of one currency for
another. An exchange rate is the price of one
the underlying assets to be traded;
the amount of such assets;
currency in terms of another currency. For
the maturity date of the contract; and,
example; if the exchange rate for the Australian
the price at which the asset is to be traded.
Dollar against the Japanese Yen is AUD 1/JPY
83, this means that one Australian Dollar is
equal to, and can be exchanged for, 83 Japanese
Margin Obligations to 1TradeMarket
FX contracts, and CFDs offered by 1TradeMarket will be
A Margin FX Contract does not result in the
10 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
physical delivery of the currency. The foreign
where 1TradeMarket is the market maker will be entered
exchange products offered by 1TradeMarket are closed
into on a “matched book” basis or “back to back”
out by either you or us in certain circumstances,
(See below Important Features of Margin
FX Contracts) by taking an offsetting position.
How are orders executed and confirmed?
The profit or loss that results from the position
being closed out will be credited to or debited
Prior to entering into a transaction, you must open
from your account. If a transaction is held until
an account with us and deposit a minimum of $100.
the nominated maturity date, it will be cash
adjusted or cash settled according to the
When you propose to enter into a transaction, you
closing price of the applicable currency, as
will access the MetaTrader 4 Platform (“Trading
quoted by us.
Platform”) and determine which Margin FX
Contract you wish to trade and consider the prices
How do the Margin FX Contracts work?
being quoted by us. Should you decide to accept
our price you will follow the steps on the Trading
A Margin FX Contract is a rolling spot foreign
Platform. You must have sufficient money in your
exchange contract between you and 1TradeMarket in
account to meet the relevant initial margin for the
relation to an agreed currency pair. When you
proposed transaction.
propose to enter into any Margin FX Contract you
will be asked to nominate an amount and the two
What Margin is Required?
currencies to be exchanged. In every Margin FX
Contract there are two currencies as follows:
Each Margin FX Contract product requires you to
pay an initial margin. In addition, you may also be
1 fixed unit of a currency = X variable units of
required to pay (or be entitled to receive from
another currency.
1TradeMarket) Variation Margin, which is the unrealised
loss or profit on your open Margin FX Contract
The fixed currency is called the “base” currency
and the variable currency is called the “terms”
What is the Initial Margin?
currency. Together, these are known as the
currency pair. The currencies involved in any
The Initial Margin is the up-front deposit you are
Margin FX Contract must be currencies which are
required to provide to 1TradeMarket when you enter into
offered by 1TradeMarket. As at the date of this PDS, 1TradeMarket
a transaction with us and which must be
offers forty-nine different currency pairs. To find
maintained throughout the term of the relevant
out more about the different currency pairs 1TradeMarket
transaction. The amount of the Initial Margin
view our website
applicable to each transaction is determined by
1TradeMarket in its sole discretion and current levels for
each FX product are available
There is always a long (bought) and a short It is typically 2% to 5 % of the
(sold) side to a trade, which means that you are
transaction value but may be as high as 100%
speculating on the prospect of one of the
depending on the volatility of the relevant
currencies increasing in value and one of them
underlying market and the liquidity of the
decreasing in value.
underlying asset. 1TradeMarket may vary the Initial Margin
rate at any time in its sole discretion.
The Margin FX Contracts offered by 1TradeMarket do not
result in the physical delivery of the currency. The
Adjustment of Differences/Variation
Margin FX Contracts are closed out by either you or
us by taking an offsetting position or are cash
adjusted or cash settled at the maturity date.
In addition to your Initial Margin, you may have
to deposit an additional margin, called Variation
What exchange rate will apply?
Margin. Open positions are accounted for in real
time on a mark-to-market basis to account for any
1TradeMarket prices will be the same price at which it is
market movements and to determine the current
offered by its counterparty, so all transactions
value of the Margin FX Contract on which the
11 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
underlying currency is normally quoted.
provide notification and this service is provided to
you on a best endeavors basis. 1TradeMarket reserves the
Based on this determination, your account will
right to change accounting practices at any time
either be debited in relation to any unrealised
and it also reserves the right to offer different
losses or credited in relation to any unrealised
accounting practices.
It is your responsibility to actively monitor and
If you hold a long (or bought) position and the
manage your open positions and your obligations,
current value increases, 1TradeMarket will credit an amount
including ensuring that you meet your margin
equal to the increase in value. If the current value
requirement and that your Free Margin exceeds “0”.
decreases, 1TradeMarket will debit you an amount equal to
It is also your responsibility to ensure you are
the decrease in value.
aware of any changes in the margin requirements
or when the Free Margin is approaching “0”. 1TradeMarket
If you hold a short (or sold) position and the
is under no obligation to contact you in the event
current value increases, you will be debited an
of any change to the margin requirement.
amount equal to the increase in value to 1TradeMarket.
If the current value decreases 1TradeMarket will credit
1TradeMarket will attempt to notify you via email, but 1TradeMarket
your account with an amount equal to the
is under no obligation to notify you when:
decrease in value.
1. Your account becomes insufficiently
These amounts owing by you to us in order to
margined, and/or
“top up” the Initial Margin are what is known as
2. Your account is close to liquidation.
the variation margin.
1TradeMarket can close your open positions and cancel all
Margin calls
orders with or without giving you notice. You must
ensure that you maintain an e-mail address at all
During the period your contract remains open with
times and keep us up to date and informed of your
1TradeMarket, you must maintain your Initial Margin
current email address. 1TradeMarket will not use any other
means of communication to tell you when your
Requirement. If your account is not properly
margined, 1TradeMarket may Liquidate All Open Positions
account reaches these risk levels unless otherwise
in the account without further notice, which may
agreed upon. You must monitor your account so
that you know whether or not your Account is in
mean you will suffer losses.
risk of being liquidated. All the information you
If you open a position with Initial Margin, and the
need in order to make these calculations is
position moves against you and your Free Margin
available on our trading platform.
falls to “0”, your account will be placed on Margin
Call and all positions will be triggered for
You may increase the amount of Free Margin
liquidation or closing out by 1TradeMarket at the next
available in your account by:
available price. If the account equity falls below
margin requirements, the MT4 system for instance
Closing out or reducing one or more of your open
will trigger an order to close some or all of the
position(s) in order to reduce your Used Margin
open positions. If the Free Margin column reaches
amount; and/or depositing additional funds into
your account. If you choose to deposit additional
zero, the positions with the largest losses will
typically be closed first in order to free up
funds into your account, these additional funds
additional margin. In normal circumstances 1TradeMarket
must be cleared funds before they will be
available. These steps may not be necessary if
will endeavor to notify you of margin call by email
when you are close to receiving a margin call. This
there is an increase in the value of your open
email serves as a notice that your account has
positions due to a further market fluctuation.
breached the minimum required level of funds and
any open positions are at risk of being closed out.
1TradeMarket does not represent or warrant or give any
You are responsible for monitoring your own
assurance that your open positions will be closed
account and ensuring adequate funds are
out at any particular level. Accordingly, your
maintained at all times. We have no obligation to
losses may be higher than what they would have
been had 1TradeMarket exercised its right to place a
12 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
liquidation order. Furthermore, you will be liable
or wait for 1TradeMarket to automatically close out or force
for all l o s s e s incurred, despite 1TradeMarket having had
liquidate the trade. 1TradeMarket has a
“no negative
the right to close out your position at a time before
balance policy” which is intended to ensure that
you i n c u r r e d those additional losses. Any
your position is closed out before the value of a
such loss may result in you losing all moneys that
trade declines below the required Margin to hold
you have deposited in your account with 1TradeMarket,
the position. 1TradeMarket enables you to manage both
but you will not be liable for debit balances in
adverse and favorable movement by using Stop
your account in excess of the moneys that you
Loss Order and Stop Limit Orders as part of their
have deposited that is not directly resulting from
risk-management strategy.
trading activity.
Why Would I Use a Margin FX Contract?
While 1TradeMarket will endeavor to notify you when
your account is close to receiving a margin
Margin FX Contracts are generally used for one
call, it is nonetheless your responsibility to
of two purposes
- hedging or speculating.
ensure that your Free Margin does not fall
Margin FX Contracts can provide those who are
below the margin call liquidation trigger level
dependent on overseas trade (and are therefore
of “0”, and to ensure that you do not rely on
exposed to currency risk) with a tool for managing
1TradeMarket to close out your positions should they
the risks associated with changing prices for those
be nea r in g , or exceed, the Margin Call level.
currencies. This strategy is known as hedging.
You may do this by reviewing your account
Margin FX Contracts are also traded by
detail on the 1TradeMarket platform(s) with a view to
speculators, who trade in the anticipation of
monitoring your Free Margin, bearing in mind
profiting purely from changing relative values in
that any additional funds that you d e p o s i t
the currency pairs.
into your account will not contribute towards
your account equity balance until those funds
Generally, trading Margin FX Contracts allows
become c l e a re d funds. You may also contact
you to leverage your positions to take a much
our Support staff should you have any queries
greater exposure than if you had to pay the full
about your current margin
price of holding the physical currency. Trading
in Margin FX Contracts does, however,
involve significant risk. Traders and investors
When a margin call is triggered o n an account
must understand the nature of the risks
then individual positions will be liquidated until the
inherent in such transactions prior to entering
remaining equity is sufficient to support existing
into these transactions.
position(s). In deciding what positions will be
individually liquidated the largest losing position
How is the Foreign Exchange Rate
will be closed first during liquidation.
How are profits and Losses on Margin FX
The calculation of the price to be paid (or the
Contracts Calculated?
payout to be received) for Margin FX Contract
offered by 1TradeMarket at the time the product is
The amount of any profit or loss made on the
purchased or sold will be the same as the price
Margin FX Contract will be calculated by
1TradeMarket is quoted from its hedging counterparty.
keeping the units of one of the currencies
Price quotes are based on, and with reference
constant (the Base Currency) and determining
to, the underlying foreign exchange market on
the difference in the number of units of other
which the Margin FX Contract is based.
currency (the Terms Currency). The profit or
loss is given in the units of the base currency.
1TradeMarket cannot predict future market prices of
underlying currencies and our quotations are not
What Happens if the Market is Adverse?
a forecast of what we believe an underlying
currency’s value will be at a future date. The
Where Clients experience adverse market
decision to transact at a particular rate will always
movements against their open positions, they can
be your decision.
close out the open position, “ top up” the account,
13 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
Significant Risks of Margin FX Contracts
markets. The volatility in the market may create
conditions where orders are difficult to execute,
since the price might be many pips away due to the
extreme market movement or Gapping. Execution
You should be aware that trading in the foreign
is subject to available liquidity at any and all price
exchange products offered by 1TradeMarket involves risks.
levels. Although you may be looking to execute at
It is important that you carefully consider whether
a certain price, the market may have moved
trading our products is appropriate for you in light
significantly or liquidity exhausted, in which
of your investment objectives, financial situation
instance your order would be filled at the next best
and needs.
price or the fair market value.
Substantial or Total Losses - Despite trying to
Execution Risk - Delays in Execution - A delay in
close out open positions, your loss on a
execution may occur for various reasons, such as
transaction could be very substantial, or even
technical issues with your internet connection to
If the price or value of one of the
the 1TradeMarket servers, which may result in hanging
underlying currencies moves against your Margin
orders. The Trading Platforms on your computer
FX Contract position, you will be required to “top
may not be maintaining a constant connection with
up” your account with sufficient funds to maintain
the 1TradeMarket servers due to a lack of signal strength
your position. The amount required may be
from a wireless or dialup connection. A
substantial. If you fail to maintain the required
disturbance in the connection path can sometimes
account balance, your position may be closed out
interrupt the signal, and disable the Trading
by 1TradeMarket.
Platforms, causing delays in transmission of data
between your Trading Platform and 1TradeMarket servers.
Market Risk - There is a risk that the value of your
Margin FX Contract position will change as a result
Automated Trading Strategies
- The use of
of a movement in the underlying currency price.
Automated Trading Strategies (Expert Advisors)
You will suffer a loss if the price of the underlying
on the 1TradeMarket Trading Platforms is high risk. 1TradeMarket has
currency moves unfavorably. Prices of currencies
no control over the logic or code used by these
(from which the value of the Margin FX Contract
systems to determine orders to trade. Trading with
is derived) depend on a number of factors
any system that you leave to run and trade your
including for example, interest rates, supply and
account without being present may cause
demand and even the actions of governments.
significant financial loss and 1TradeMarket does not accept
This will directly affect the Margin FX Contract
or bear any liability whatsoever in relation to the
value. Given the potential levels of volatility in the
operation of the Automated Strategies on the 1TradeMarket
markets, it is recommended that you closely
Trading Platforms.
monitor your open positions at all times.
Stop orders and limit orders are not guaranteed
Unregulated Market - The Margin FX Contract
- The placing of a stop order can potentially limit
products offered by 1TradeMarket are OTC derivatives and
your loss; however, we do not guarantee that a
are not covered by the protections for exchange-
stop order will do so. Similarly, a limit order can
traded derivatives arising from any domestic or
maximize your profit but there is also no guarantee
international exchange rules (such as guarantee or
of this. Foreign exchange markets can be volatile
and unforeseeable events can occur which mean
transactions which are not traded on or under the
that it is possible that stop orders and limit orders
rules of a regulated or designated exchange may
may not be accepted or may be accepted at a price
expose you to substantially greater risks.
different to that specified by you. You should
anticipate being stopped out at or limited at a
Execution Risk - Slippage - 1TradeMarket aims to provide
price worse than the price you set. You may suffer
you with the best pricing available and to get all
losses as a result.
orders filled at the requested rate. However, there
are times when, due to an increase in volatility or
Credit or Counterparty Risk: - Given that you are
volume, orders may be subject to what is referred
dealing with 1TradeMarket as counterparty to every
to as
“slippage”. This most commonly occurs
transaction, you will have an exposure to us in
during fundamental news events or gapping in the
relation to each transaction. This is common to all
14 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
OTC financial market products. You are reliant on
account surplus will tend to cause a currency to
1TradeMarket ability to meet its counterparty obligations to
depreciate, while a shrinking current account
you to settle the relevant contract. 1TradeMarket may
deficit will tend to cause the currency to
choose to limit this exposure by entering into
appreciate. However, in practice exchange rates
opposite transactions in the wholesale market in
do not always move to reflect current account
relation to its exposures with clients.
figures. While over time the relationship holds
true there may be sustained periods during which
Leverage - The Margin FX Contracts offered by
exchange rates move in the opposite direction.
1TradeMarket carry a substantial leverage risk. The high
degree of leverage that is obtainable in trading the
Inflation Rates - These impact upon the ability
foreign exchange products offered by 1TradeMarket
to purchase goods and services. Over a period
because of the small margin requirements can
of time, the inflationary impact on prices tends
lead to large losses as well as large gains. The
to result in price increases for goods and
impact of leverage is that even a slight fluctuation
services to offset the impact of inflation. This
in the market could mean substantial gains when
means that exchange rates should change so as to
these fluctuations are in your favor, but that could
reflect the relative purchasing power of two
also mean considerable losses if the fluctuations
are to your detriment. Trading in the foreign
exchange products offered by 1TradeMarket may result in
Interest Rates - How interest rates affect the
the total loss of the amount you deposited with
forward rates has already been described.
1TradeMarket. Leverage could lead to large losses greater
They can also affect the flow of currencies
than the clients initial deposit and margin
between countries. Over a period of time it is
payment. Given the possibility of losing an entire
possible for currencies with a trend towards
investment speculation in Margin FX Contracts
high local interest rates to attract capital inflow
should be conducted only with risk capital that,
and vice versa.
if lost, will not significantly affect your financial
Margin risk -You could sustain a loss, greater than
and not limited to, an initial Margin that you have
paid to us to establish or maintain a trading
What is a Contract for Difference?
position. If the Reference Security’s value moves
your trading position, you are
A Contract for Difference (“CFD”) is a contract
responsible for monitoring and meeting the
whereby you make a profit or take a loss from
Margin cover requirements. If you fail to provide
market price changes in the underlying asset.
those additional funds within the required time,
However, you do not own or have any interest in the
your entire position may be liquidated at a loss and
underlying asset. A CFD is a derivative asset in that
you will be liable for any shortfall in your Account
the value of the CFD is derived from the value of the
resulting from that failure. If a position is Closed
underlying asset. A CFD allows you to receive many
Out, all of it may be closed not just a proportion
of the benefits of owning the underlying asset
of it. There is no limit on the amount of Margin
without actually owning it.
which may be called in order to meet a revised
valuation of your transaction.
1TradeMarket offers CFD products on commodities such as
gold, silver and crude oil. 1TradeMarket may offer
Current account balance - This is an important
additional CFD products based on other
determinant of exchange rates. Currencies with
commodities or market indices in the future. If
increasing current account surpluses or
1TradeMarket offers such additional products, we may
decreasing current account deficits tend to
amend this PDS and FSG or we may notify
strengthen against currencies with decreasing
customers electronically, on our website, or
current account surpluses or increasing current
otherwise, as required by regulatory bodies.
account deficits. It is the change in the current
account deficit or surplus which is relevant.
A CFD is an agreement between 1TradeMarket and you to
trade the difference in changes in the price or value
Current account surplus - A diminishing current
15 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
of an underlying asset. CFDs have no fixed size
underlying market and the liquidity of the
or expiration dates. When you enter into a CFD,
underlying asset. 1TradeMarket may vary the Initial Margin
you will be paid the amount of money (profit) or
rate at any time in its sole discretion.
be required to pay the amount of money (loss)
arising from the change in value of the underlying
Adjustment of Differences/Variation
Trading a CFD does not mean that you are the
In addition to your Initial Margin, you may have
owner of the underlying asset. Understand that
to pay an additional margin, called Variation
you have none of the rights to the underlying
Margin. Open positions are accounted for in real
asset that an owner would have.
time on a mark-to-market basis to account for any
market movements and to determine the current
CFDs can be traded only during the operating
value of the CFD on which the underlying asset is
hours for the market upon which that underlying
normally quoted. Based on this determination,
asset is traded.
your account will either be debited in relation to
any unrealised losses or credited in relation to
How Are Orders Executed and Confirmed?
any unrealised profits.
Prior to entering into a transaction, you must open
If you hold a long (or bought) position and the
an account with us and deposit a minimum of
current value increases, 1TradeMarket will credit an amount
equal to the increase in value. If the current value
decreases, 1TradeMarket will debit you an amount equal
When you propose to enter into a transaction, you
to the decrease in value.
will access the MetaTrader 4 Platform (“Trading
Platforms”) and determine which CFD product you
If you hold a short (or sold) position and the current
wish to trade and consider the prices being quoted
value increases, you will be debited an amount
by us. Should you decide to accept our price you
equal to the increase in value to 1TradeMarket. If the current
will follow the steps on the Trading Platform. You
value decreases 1TradeMarket will credit your account with
must have sufficient money in your account to meet
an amount equal to the decrease in value.
the relevant Initial Margin for the proposed
These amounts owing by you to us in order to “top
up” the Initial Margin are what is known as the
What Margin is Required?
Variation Margin.
Each CFD product requires you to pay an Initial
How are profits and losses on CFDs
Margin. In addition, you may also be required to
pay (or be entitled to receive from 1TradeMarket) Variation
Margin, which is the unrealised loss or profit on
The amount of any profit or loss made on the
your open CFD position.
CFD will be calculated by reference to the
difference between the price or value of the CFD’s
What is the Initial Margin?
underlying asset when the CFD is opened and the
price or value of the CFD’s underlying asset when
The Initial Margin is the up-front deposit you are
the CFD is closed out, multiplied by the number of
required to provide to 1TradeMarket when you enter into
the CFDs held. The calculation of profit or loss is
a transaction with us and which must be
also affected by funding charges and any other
maintained throughout the term of the relevant
transaction. The amount of the Initial Margin
applicable to each transaction is determined by
What Happens if the Market is Adverse?
1TradeMarket in its sole discretion and current levels for
each CFD product are available on
Where Clients experience adverse market It is typically 2% to 5% of the
movements against their open positions, they can
transaction value but may be as high as 100%
close out the open position, “ top up” the account,
depending on the volatility of the relevant
or wait for 1TradeMarket to automatically close out or force
16 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
liquidate the trade. 1TradeMarket has a
“no negative
balance policy” which is intended to ensure that
Significant Risks of CFD Products
your position is closed out before the value of a
trade declines below the required Margin to hold
the position. 1TradeMarket enables you to manage both
You should be aware that trading in the CFD
adverse and favorable movement by using Stop
products offered by 1TradeMarket involves risks. It is
Loss Order and Stop Limit Orders as part of their
important that you carefully consider whether
risk-management strategy.
trading our products is appropriate for you in light
of your investment objectives, financial situation
Stop Limit Order
and needs.
A stop limit order is a particular kind of stop loss
order. A stop limit order means that the Order will
Substantial of Total Losses–Despite trying to close
not get filled at all below the limit of the Order.
out open positions, your loss on a transaction could
This means that if the new or opening price gaps
be very substantial, or even total. If the price or
beyond your stop limit order, your Order will not
value of the underlying asset moves against your
be filled at all.
CFD position, you will be required to “top up” your
account with sufficient funds to maintain your
Stop Loss Order
position. The amount required may be substantial.
You would generally choose to place a stop-loss
you fail to maintain the required account
order to provide some risk protection. For
balance, your position may be closed out by 1TradeMarket.
example, i f your open position moves towards
making a loss based on a level chosen by you,
Market Risk - There is a risk that the value of your
the stop loss order would be triggered in order
CFD position will change as a result of a movement
to try to close your open position or to open a
in the underlying market price. You will suffer a loss
position, depending on the CFD transaction y o u
if the price of the underlying asset moves
unfavorably. Prices of assets (from which the value
of the CFD is derived) depend on a number of
These orders work in very similar ways as the limit
factors including for example, interest rates, supply
order, except in the opposite direction. These
and demand, and even the actions of governments.
orders are seldom used to enter a trade, and
This will directly affect the CFD value. Given the
some brokers do not have this feature, but 1TradeMarket
potential levels of volatility in the markets, it is
does. Most stop orders are used to exit an existing
recommended that you closely monitor your open
positions at all times.
Why Would I Invest Using CFDs?
Unregulated Market - The CFD products offered
by 1TradeMarket are OTC derivatives and are not covered
CFDs are generally used for one of two purposes -
by the protections for exchange-traded derivatives
hedging or speculating. CFDs can provide those
arising from any domestic or international
who deal in the underlying asset with a tool for
exchange rules
(such as guarantee or
managing the risks associated with changing
compensation funds). Contingent liability
prices for those investments. This strategy is
transactions which are not traded on or under the
known as hedging. CFDs are also traded by
rules of a regulated or designated exchange may
speculators, who trade in the anticipation of
expose you to substantially greater risks.
profiting purely from changing prices in the
underlying asset.
Credit or Counterparty Risk - Given that you are
Generally, trading CFDs allows you to leverage
dealing with 1TradeMarket as counterparty to every
your positions to take a much greater exposure
transaction, you will have an exposure to us in
than if you were to purchase the underlying asset.
relation to each transaction. This is common to all
Trading in CFDs does, however, involve
OTC financial market products. You are reliant on
significant risk. Traders and investors must
1TradeMarket ability to meet its counterparty obligations
understand the nature of the risks inherent in
to you to settle the relevant contract. 1TradeMarket may
such transactions prior to entering into these
choose to limit this exposure by entering into
opposite transactions as principal in the wholesale
17 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
market in relation to its exposures with clients. In
addition, 1TradeMarket must comply with the financial
requirements imposed under its AFS License.
1TradeMarket cannot predict future market prices of
underlying assets and our quotations are not a
Leverage - The CFD products offered by 1TradeMarket
forecast of what we believe an underlying asset’s
carry a substantial leverage risk. The high degree
value will be at a future date. The decision to
of leverage that is obtainable in trading the CFD
transact at a particular rate will always be your
products offered by 1TradeMarket because of the small
Margin requirements can lead to large losses as
well as large gains. The impact of leverage is
that even a slight fluctuation in the market could
mean substantial gains when these fluctuations
1TradeMarket strongly recommends that, if you are not
are in your favor, but that could also mean
fully familiar with
Derivatives, you obtain
considerable losses if the fluctuations are to your
independent legal, financial and taxation advice
detriment. Trading in the CFD products offered by
before proceeding with a transaction. Further,
1TradeMarket may result in the total loss of the amount
1TradeMarket recommends that you should consider the
you deposited with 1TradeMarket. Leverage could lead to
large losses greater than the clients’ initial deposit
and margin payment. Given the possibility of
It is your responsibility to understand the nature
losing an entire investment speculation in CFDs
and risks associated with each transaction.
should be conducted only with risk capital that, if
In entering into any transaction, neither 1TradeMarket
lost, will not significantly affect your financial
nor any of its representatives will advise you, or
is to be taken as advising you, as to any strategy,
risk profile or financial result.
Margin risk -You could sustain a loss, greater than
Derivatives trading is highly speculative and
and not limited to, an initial Margin that you have
volatile. There is no guarantee or assurance
paid to us to establish or maintain a trading
that you will make profits, or not make losses,
position. If the Reference Security’s value moves
or that unrealized profits or losses will remain
your trading position, you are
responsible for monitoring and meeting the
Past performance of markets and currencies in
Margin cover requirements. If you fail to provide
particular, is never an assurance of future
those additional funds within the required time,
your entire position may be liquidated at a loss
The value of your account may fluctuate
and you will be liable for any shortfall in your
according to exchange rates and interest rates,
Account resulting from that failure.
as well as other market conditions which are
outside of your control and which cannot be
If a position is Closed Out, all of it may be closed
not just a proportion of it.
Information about prices or rates may come
from several sources and may not be current at
There is no limit on the amount of Margin which
the time given to you. 1TradeMarket does not take
may be called in order to meet a revised valuation
responsibility for information about rates or
of your transaction.
other financial market data or statements and
1TradeMarket relies on your acknowledgment that you
How is the CFD Value Calculated?
do not rely on any such information given to
you or discussed with you. 1TradeMarket only
The calculation of the price to be paid (or the
undertakes to perform the transaction agreed
payout to be received) for CFD products offered
with you at the price or rate for that
by 1TradeMarket at the time the product is purchased or
transaction, and not at any other price or rate
sold will be the same as the price 1TradeMarket.
available in the market.
The CFDs and Margin FX are valued by 1TradeMarket.
Trading is quoted from its hedging counterparty.
Typically, this is by direct reference to the
Price quotes are based on, and with reference to
market value (or, if relevant, index level) of the
the underlying contract on which the CFD product
relevant Reference Security on the relevant
18 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
Exchange. If the Exchange f a i l s to provide
delays in telecommunications systems, connection
that information (for example, due to a failure
or system failures, network downtime, interrupted
in the Exchange’s trading system or data
service, data supply errors, and security breaches.
information service) or trading in the
A disruption to the MetaTrader
4 Trading
Reference Security is halted or suspend, 1TradeMarket
Platform(s) could mean you are unable to trade in a
may e xe rci se its discretion to determine a
product offered by 1TradeMarket and that you may suffer a
value. Due to the nature of products, in
financial loss or an opportunity loss as a result. The
common with industry practice for such
occurrence of disruptive events is outside the
products, 1TradeMarket discretion is
control of 1TradeMarket and, accordingly, you will have no
unfettered and so has no condition or
recourse against 1TradeMarket relating to losses sustained
qualification. You therefore have the risk of
as a result of software disruptions.
relying on whatever value is determined by
1TradeMarket in the circumstances permitted by the
Use and Access to the Website - You are
Account Terms & Conditions.
responsible for providing and maintaining the
means by which you access the MetaTrader 4
Our powers on default, indemnities and
Trading Platform, which may include without
limitations on liability - If you fail to pay, or
limitation a personal computer, modem and
provide collateral for, amounts payable to 1TradeMarket
telephone or other access line. While the internet
or fail to perform any obligation under your
and the World Wide Web are generally reliable,
transactions, 1TradeMarket has extensive powers under
technical problems or other conditions may delay
the Account Terms & Conditions with you to take
or prevent access. If you are unable to access the
steps to protect our position including, for
Internet and thus, the Trading Platform, it will mean
example, the power to Close Out positions and to
you may be unable to trade in the products offered
charge default interest. Under the Account Terms
by 1TradeMarket and you may suffer a loss as a result.
and Conditions, you also indemnify 1TradeMarket for certain
1TradeMarket cannot be held responsible for losses
losses and liabilities, including, for example, in
resulting from such service disruptions.
default scenarios.
Furthermore, in unforeseen and extreme market
Further, 1TradeMarket liability to you is expressly limited (to
situations, 1TradeMarket reserves the right to suspend the
the extent permitted by law) to performing its
operation of the Trading Platform. In such an
obligations. You should read the Account Terms
event, 1TradeMarket may, at its sole discretion
(with or
and Conditions carefully to understand these
without notice), close out your open positions at
prices or values it considers fair and reasonable at
such a time and is not responsible for any loss that
- Under certain conditions, it may
arises from such actions.
become difficult or impossible for you to close out
a position. This can happen when there is a rapid
When Markets Are Closed - Due to the dynamic
change in the price or value of the underlying
nature of our products and the underlying
asset over a short period of time. This may result
assets, it is possible that the value of your open
in large losses, however your loss is generally
positions will change outside trading hours, while
limited to the net amount deposited with 1TradeMarket to
the trading function of our Trading Platform is
establish or maintain a contract, as 1TradeMarket maintains
closed, and various markets may be closed, for
a “no negative balance policy” (on OTC product
example during weekends. In this case, you will
not be able to trade in a product offered by 1TradeMarket
(e.g. Open a new transaction or close out an
Electronic Trading Platforms - You should be
open transaction) until trading hours resume and
aware that there are a number of risks associated
the trading function o f the Trading Platform and
with using internet-based trading platforms. These
the relevant market re-opens. You may suffer a
risks are not exclusive to our MetaTrader 4 Trading
financial loss or opportunity loss as a result.
(“Trading Platform”) but also apply to
other providers of trading platforms. Such risks
Illiquid Markets - A liquid market is generally one
include, but are not limited to, risks related to the
in which there is sufficient trading activity to satisfy
use of software and/or telecommunications
both buyers and sellers. An illiquid market is
systems such as software errors and viruses, bugs,
generally one in which it is difficult to find bids and
19 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
offers. Some commodity markets are extremely
the applicable terms and conditions as
illiquid, and hence 1TradeMarket reserves the right to
amended, supplemented or updated from time
postpone offering a price for a product until a more
to time. You must complete, sign and return an
liquid market develops.
Account Application Terms & Conditions, and
have your account approved by 1TradeMarket before you
No Cooling Off
can set up an account with 1TradeMarket to deal in
There are no cooling-off arrangements for
products issued by 1TradeMarket.
Derivatives. This means that when 1TradeMarket arranges for
the execution of a product, you do not have the
Application - Your request to 1TradeMarket to establish an
right to return the product, nor request a refund of
Account made using the Account Application
the money paid to acquire the product.
Terms & Conditions.
Prices - Under certain market conditions the prices
Base Currency - Your account is maintained in the
of contracts may not maintain their usual
currency you have nominated, that is, the base
relationship with the underlying asset. 1TradeMarket will
currency. In relation to quoting of currency pairs,
select closing prices to be used in determining
the base currency is the first currency of the pair.
Margin requirements and in marking to market the
When quoting AUDUSD, then AUD is the base
positions in your account. Prices used may vary
currency. When quoting USDJPY, then USD is the
from those available to other participants in the
base currency.
market, and consequently 1TradeMarket may exercise
considerable discretion in setting Margin
Business Day - A day (other than a Saturday or
Sunday or public holiday) on which trading banks
in important markets are open for business.
Call Option - An Option Contract which gives the
buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the
Underlying Instrument from the seller at or before, a
1TradeMarket cannot guarantee against third party
future point in time at a pre-defined price.
interference to our website and trading facility or
to the technology provided by third parties upon
Client or Customer or You - (which terms are used
which we rely. This means that you may be
interchangeably) means the party who accepts
exposed to issues arising from any third-party
the terms of and agrees to the Client Agreement
interference which may occur. Examples include:
and PDS.
un-authorized access to our or your IT systems or
devices, data breaches, business interruption,
Close Out, Closed Out - in relation to a CFD
errors in pricing feeds or inability to access your
transaction mean discharging or satisfying the
account or close positions. In the worst-case
obligations of the parties under the CFD
scenario, financial loss may occur. We take this risk
transaction and this includes:
seriously and manage it by ongoing monitoring of
by delivering the amount or value of the Reference
our IT systems, protection and back up measures
Security (including a dollar multiple of an index)
(including virus protection software). You can limit
required in accordance with the Account Terms,
your risk by ensuring you have up to date software
as a result of the matching up of the CFD
for the devices that you use to access our trading
Transaction with a CFD Transaction of the same
facilities and ensuring that you use strong
kind under which you have assumed an offsetting
passwords which are kept confidential and secure.
opposite position; and making adjustments for
fees and charges.
Close Out, in relation to and options: To close out
Account - Account of the client dealing in the
an existing open position by entering into an equal
products issued by 1TradeMarket, which is established in
and opposite offsetting position. To close out a
accordance with the Terms & Conditions.
bought or long position requires selling and closing
out a sold or short position requires buying.
Account Application Terms & Conditions - The
agreement provided to you by 1TradeMarket, detailing
Confirmation - means any confirmation of a CFD or
20 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
FX Margin Contract transaction issued by us or on
a specified price. A sell limit order allows traders
our behalf to you and includes an electronically
and investors to specify the price that they are
transmitted confirmation.
willing to sell a contract for, such as a currency pair
or a CFD. By using a sell limit order, the investor
Contract for Difference (“CFD”) - means an
is guaranteed to receive that price or better,
agreement between you and 1TradeMarket to trade the
meaning that he or she will sell the contract at the
difference arising from movements in the price or
specified price or higher.
value of an underlying asset.
While the price is guaranteed, the filling of the
Exercise Price - The price at which the buyer of an
order is not. In other words, if the specified price
Option Contract may buy or sell the Underlying
is never met, the order will not be filled, and the
Instrument, as defined in the terms of the Option
investor may miss out on the trading
Expiry Date - In relation to an Option Contract, the
Margin - The Initial Margin or Variation Margin or
date on which the Option Contract expires or
matures. This is also referred to as the Maturity
Margin Call - A demand for additional funds
made to the client by 1TradeMarket to meet any
FSG - 1TradeMarket
“Financial Services Guide” as
additional margin requirement.
amended, supplemented or updated from time
to time.
Margin FX- Margin foreign exchange.
FX - Foreign Exchange
Margin Foreign Exchange Contract (“Margin
FX Contract”) - means a rolling spot foreign
Initial Margin - An amount required to be
exchange contract between a Client and 1TradeMarket in
deposited by the client with 1TradeMarket to open a Margin
relation to an agreed currency pair.
FX position or establish a position in a Contract.
Over the Counter (“OTC”) contract- means a
LIBID - LIBID stands for London Interbank Bid Rate.
contract (or product) that is traded off-market as
The rate charged by one bank to another for a
opposed to on an exchange such as a stock
deposit in the wholesale money markets in London.
exchange or exchange.
LIBOR - LIBOR stands for London Interbank
PDS- Product Disclosure Statement.
Offer Rate. It's the rate of interest at which banks
offer to lend money to one another in the
Put Option- An Option Contract where the buyer
wholesale money markets in London.
has the right, but not the obligation, to sell the
Underlying Instrument at or before a future point in
Limit to Buy - An order to purchase a contract
time at a predefined price.
at or below a specified price. A buy limit order
allows traders and investors to specify the price
Reference Security- means the reference
that they are willing to pay for a contract, such as
security, other financial product, currency,
a currency pair or a CFD. By using a buy limit
commodity, index or other item
(or any
order, the investor is guaranteed to pay that
combination of one or more of those) which
price or better, meaning that he or she will pay
is used as the basis for the calculations for your
the specified price or less for the purchase of the
CFD or Margin FX Contract.
Stop Limit Order- is a particular kind of Stop
While the price is guaranteed, the filling of the
Loss order. A stop limit order means that the
order is not. In other words, if the specified price
order will not get filled at all below the limit of
is never met, the order will not be filled, and the
the order.
investor may miss out on the trading opportunity.
Stop Loss Order- is an order that you place which
Limit to Sell - An order to sell a contract at or above
allows you to set a price at which you would like
21 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket
to exit the position should the price of the
Variation Margin - The amount deposited by the
Reference Security move against you.
client with 1TradeMarket including any increase or
reduction arising from settlement of a closed
Trading Platform- The MetaTrader
4 Trading
Underlying Instrument- a security,
“1TradeMarket” “we” or “us - 1TradeMarket Ltd.
commodity, or other type of financial product)
registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
whose value determines the value of a derivatives
investment or product.
22 | Product Disclosure Statement | 1TradeMarket