Refund Policy
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A refund request will only be considered if it is
only be used for the specific purposes for which it was
requested within the first twenty-four (24) hours of the
collected (as per the Data Protection Act 1998 (UK)).
alleged transaction, or within thirty (30) days if a user
We may, occasionally, send surveys or even direct
alleges that another individual
(or a minor) has
one-to-one mail in order to manage our customer
accessed his/her account. A refund will be paid out
service processes. We do NOT share your
within three (3) working days once refund conditions
information with third parties, we do NOT share your
are met. A refund will be processed only the same
email addresses with sponsors or any third parties,
way it was received.
and we do NOT run exclusive ‘sponsored’ emails on
behalf of third parties. Please note that we do not
store credit/debit card numbers nor do we share
customer details with any third parties.
Please note we do not process Visa and MasterCard
payments from China or Hong Kong, as they are
Information will not be disclosed to other parties
without the consent of the individual whom it is
about, unless there is legislation or other overriding
1TradeMarket Ltd. is determined to protect and maintain
legitimate reason to share the information
your privacy. We are privileged to be trusted with
example, the prevention or detection of crime).
your personal information and do not wish to
jeopardize that trust. However, in order to use some
Merchant will not sell, purchase, provide, exchange
of our services, it’s necessary for you to give us details
or in any other manner disclose Account or
such as your name and email address or, potentially,
Transaction data, or personal information of or about
your street address. Please note that we do NOT
a Cardholder to anyone, except, it’s Acquirer,
store credit/debit card numbers, nor do we share
Visa/Mastercard Corporations or in response to valid
customer details with any third parties.
government demands.
This statement explains how and why we collect
information from our users, how we use it, and how
you can access or change it. This statement does not
You may withdraw funds from your trading account at
cover third party sites we link to or which link to us.
any time by completing the withdrawal request form
Those sites should have their own privacy policies.
provided in your client portal. We will process your
withdrawal within the first 24 hours after receiving
There are pages where you will be requested to enter
your request.
private information in order to receive specific
benefits of information in response. This data may
include your name, email address, and street
address. If you are signing up to a paid service from
How can I request a withdrawal?
us, we (or our payment provider) may additionally
Login to your client portal, go to 'Withdraw Funds',
request your billing information, such as card details
select an account, withdrawal amount, withdrawal
and billing address.
method, and click 'Confirm'.
We also may use cookies on our site(s) in order to
Is there a maximum withdrawal amount?
track your particular ‘session’ on our site. This is not
You may withdraw the full balance of your account at
used for contextual advertising purposes and, in
any time, there are no restrictions.
general, is not directly traceable to you.
Are there any restrictions on withdrawals?
We may use your information in order to track your
There are no restrictions, you may withdraw your
relationship with us and our site(s) as well as to send
funds at any time.
you emails about information you have requested or
other information or promotions specifically relevant
to 1TradeMarket and its activities. Essentially, your data will
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How will my withdrawal be processed?
Your withdrawal will be processed back to the
original funding account.
What should I do if the card I used to fund my
account is closed, lost, stolen or not available?
In this case, we will need to obtain evidence of your
account status, such as an account statement or
document issued by your bank. Documentation must
include; your name, last four digits of the account
number and status.
Can you send funds to a bank account other than
the one I initially used?
Yes, we can send funds to a bank account other than
the one you used, if it is under your name.
How quickly will you process my withdrawal?
Your withdrawal will be processed within the first 24
hours after your request has been received.
How soon will I receive my funds?
Processing times vary based on your withdrawal
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