Terms and Conditions
1 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
The following Terms & Conditions shall replace any
time you first place an order with 1TradeMarket or otherwise
prior or existing agreement between the parties, or
instruct us to provide a service in respect of the
previously issued Terms & Conditions, and shall
financial products.
apply to any existing arrangements currently
operating between the parties. By executing an
1TradeMarket may in its discretion allow you to have two or
account application and/or undertaking any
more accounts from time to time. A reference in
transaction with 1TradeMarket Ltd.
these terms to “account” is a reference to all of the
accounts you have, unless the context requires a
“we” or “us”),
different meaning.
you hereby agree to be bound by the following
Terms & Conditions (as amended from time to
These Terms & Conditions can be modified at the
This Terms & Conditions was prepared on May 10th,
discretion of 1TradeMarket and without prior notice. Your
2018. All information contained in this T&C has
use of this website is governed by the version of
been obtained from sources believed to be
the Terms & Conditions in effect on the date the
site was accessed by you. You should review the
most current version of these Terms & Conditions
by logging on to the 1TradeMarket website on a regular
basis. We will not notify you individually, however
we will publish on our website that the Terms &
It is your responsibility to read these Terms &
Conditions have been modified. This website
Conditions. Please read them carefully, as you
publication serves as notice of the modification,
agree to be bound by the terms herein by
and you are presumed to have consented to the
accessing the 1TradeMarket website, by completing
new terms by continuing to use, view or conduct
customer account paperwork, or by completing
business via the website.
any transactions with 1TradeMarket. If you do not agree to be
bound by these terms, do not access the website or
otherwise conduct business with 1TradeMarket. You are
presumed to have read these Terms & Conditions,
PDS and all other legal and compliance documents,
These Terms & Conditions are to be read and
by continuing to access the website.
interpreted along with all other agreements
between you, the Client and 1TradeMarket, including but not
limited to any c u s tom er or account agreements,
or any other agreements that govern your use of
contents, information, products and services
These Terms & Conditions cover the account you
available on and through the 1TradeMarket website. These
must have to manage your transactions.
Terms & Conditions and the other agreements,
primarily the Product Disclosure Statement
In order to establish your account, you must
(“PDS”) and customer account application, form
complete an account application that must be
one agreement and should be read as such.
accepted by 1TradeMarket. 1TradeMarket may, in its absolute
However, in the event of inconsistency, the terms in
discretion, accept or decline to provide any one or
the legal documents described below will rank
more financial products that you have selected in
according to the following priority, to the extent of
your account application.
any inconsistency:
These Terms & Conditions will apply to you in
respect of any financial product that you have
• Terms & Conditions
selected in the account application from the earlier
• Account Opening Form
(a) the time 1TradeMarket accepts your account
application; (b) the time 1TradeMarket otherwise agrees to
provide the financial products to you; and (c) the
2 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
The 1TradeMarket website may have general advice, news,
quotes, and financial research supplied by a third
party, not affiliated with 1TradeMarket. The source of such
Use of 1TradeMarket website is intended for your personal
information will be clearly identified on the website.
use, it is not to be used commercially unless a
Such material will be available in certain areas of
written agreement between you and 1TradeMarket states
the site or by a “hyperlink” to the third party. The
contents of these links and publications are
protected by applicable intellectual property laws
The content of this website is not to be distributed
and international treaties and licensed from and
to, or used by, any person in any country or any
owned by the third parties.
jurisdiction where the use or distribution is
considered unlawful and contrary to the local
1TradeMarket does not approve nor endorse such third party
regulations. 1TradeMarket will not accept nor distribute its
contents. These contents are considered general
products and services to people residing in
advice. They are not to be used as personal or legal
countries where the use of such services is contrary
advice. The content is obtained from sources
to local law.
believed to be reliable but cannot and is not
guaranteed to be accurate. The 1TradeMarket website may
This website is not in any way to be considered a
contain links to other (third party) websites. While
solicitation to buy or offer to sell any product or
1TradeMarket will work hard to provide accurate and timely
service to people in any jurisdiction where such
information to its clients, the company w i l l not,
products and services are considered unlawful.
under any circumstances, guarantee the accuracy
Thus, it is your responsibility as a user of this site
and timeliness of the information provided by third
to determine the terms of your jurisdiction and to
parties. Please be aware that 1TradeMarket DOES NOT
comply with all local laws and regulations.
control the contents of these sites, nor the accuracy
of information on them. Neither does 1TradeMarket endorse
the materials on these sites. 1TradeMarket WILL NOT be
responsible for any of the information provided by
By accessing the C L M website and agreeing to
third parties, and will not be held liable, nor will i t
these terms, you acknowledge that you have had
indemnify, for losses sustained as a result of
the opportunity to obtain independent taxation and
reliance upon third party information.
financial advice. 1TradeMarket provides general and not
personal advice. All information contained in the
1TradeMarket website is geared towards the general user.
1TradeMarket does not provide information about taxes or
1TradeMarket grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable
any other legal matters, nor does it give investment
and limited personal license to access and use its
website. This license is conditional on your
continued compliance with these Terms &
It is your responsibility to determine if any
investment or strategy used is appropriate to you
based on your personal appetite for risk, and
You agree that you will make no changes or links
your personal objectives. Should you need special
to the website, nor will you resell or permit access
advice please consult a professional who can tailor
to the website to others. You agree that you will
information to meet your needs.
not copy any materials appearing on the website
for resale or for any other purpose without the
By using this website, you are representing to 1TradeMarket
prior written consent of 1TradeMarket.
that you have considered y o u r own financial
circumstances and that you understand the risks
You agree that all information on this website is to
of the transactions you enter into with 1TradeMarket.
be used for the sole purpose of executing
transactions inside and within the 1TradeMarket website.
You also agree to only use the site for the purpose of
gaining access to the services it provides. Any other
use of this website is considered unlawful, and will lead
3 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
to termination of any agreements you have with 1TradeMarket.
Terms & Conditions, the security of the website,
Other actions can and will be taken by 1TradeMarket if needed.
or for other reasons. You agree that such
Upon such violation, you are required to immediately
monitoring activities will not entitle you to any
cease the use of the 1TradeMarket website.
cause of action or other right with respect to the
manner in which 1TradeMarket monitors your
You must keep all passwords secret and ensure that
Communications. In no event will C L M be liable
unauthorized third parties do not obtain access to your
for any costs, damages, expenses or any other
liabilities incurred by you as a result of 1TradeMarket
monitoring your activities.
You agree to use ordinary care and reasonable
diligence in protecting your personal account
information, including login and password
information, and agree to be responsible for any
1TradeMarket will NOT be liable for any damages, including
damages due to another’s use of your personal
but not limited to: special, consequential,
account information.
incidental, direct or indirect damages incurred from
the use of its website. Such damages include but
are not limited to, loss of profit from trading,
loss of profits due to the use of the general
Transmission of an instruction by you will not
provided by third
constitute a binding contract with 1TradeMarket until
inconvenience, delay, slippage in stops, technical
confirmed by 1TradeMarket.
difficulties when accessing the trading platforms,
even if 1TradeMarket has prior knowledge of the possibility
You must execute, or otherwise authorize 1TradeMarket to
of such losses, expenses o r damages.
execute, all such agreements and other documents
as required to enable the provision of the services
No warranty of any kind, implied, express, statutory,
and financial products contemplated by you. You
or otherwise, including but not limited to:
appoint 1TradeMarket as your attorney to do all things
warranties of title, fitness, merchantability, freedom
necessary to enter into such agreements on your
from defect or computer viruses, or non-
infringement of third party rights, is made or given
by 1TradeMarket.
Unless otherwise required by law, C L M will NOT
be responsible or liable to you for any losses
resulting from causes that 1TradeMarket has no direct
Unless otherwise indicated any communications,
control over. Such losses include but are not
information, or material of any kind that you e-mail
limited to failure of electronic communications and
or otherwise transmit through the 1TradeMarket website,
data transmission due to phone line or internet
including information, data, questions, comments
failure. 1TradeMarket is NOT liable for any viruses, theft,
or suggestions (your "Communications") will be
unauthorized access, fire, weather, war, terrorist
treated as non-proprietary and non-confidential.
acts, accidents, or actions of governments.
By accepting these Terms & Conditions you grant a
license to 1TradeMarket to use your Communications in any
way, either on the website or elsewhere, with no
liability or obligation to you. 1TradeMarket is free to use any
idea, concept, know-how or technique or
You acknowledge that:
information contained in your Communications for
any purpose including, but not limited to,
a) we are subject to various anti-money
developing and marketing products.
financing guidelines
(AML/CTF Laws)
1TradeMarket is entitled, but not obligated, to review or
which may prohibit us from offering
retain your Communications. 1TradeMarket may monitor
services or entering into or conducting
your Communications to evaluate the quality of
transactions; and
service you receive, your compliance with these
b) the
AML/CTF guidelines include
4 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
prohibitions against any person dealing
comprehensive, and the Company’s Privacy Policy
with the proceeds of or assets used in
contains additional information. The Company’s
criminal activity (wherever committed) and
Privacy Policy is available on our website at
from dealing with any funds or assets of, or
https://www.1trademkt.com and should be read
the provision of finance to, any person or
alongside this clause as it sets out types of personal
suspected of
data which 1TradeMarket collects about the Client and
involvement) in terrorism or any terrorist
additional ways in which it safeguards and use such
personal data.
1TradeMarket may:
You agree that:
a) collect, use and disclose the Client's
a) we are not required to take any action or
information to assist it in relation to the
perform any obligation under or in
internal administration and operations of
connection with your account application
1TradeMarket Associated Companies and Group
if we are not satisfied as to your identity or
if we suspect on reasonable grounds that
b) disclose the Client's information to
by doing so we may breach the AML/CTF
reporting agencies, contractors or service
b) we may delay, block or refuse to make any
providers and to other parties authorised
payment or to provide any service if we
believe on reasonable grounds that to do
Regulations to collect the Client's
so may breach any law, and we will incur
information including, without limitation,
no liability to you if we do so; and
to a service provider in connection with
c) we will not incur any liability to you for any
the provision of services to the Client;
loss you suffer (including consequential
c) collect and use the Client's information to
loss) however caused by reason of any
maintain its relationship with the Client;
action taken or not taken by us as
contemplated in paragraph
(a) or
d) use and disclose the Client's information
for compliance and in accordance with
Applicable Regulations.
You agree to provide all information and
documents to us which we reasonably require to
The Client consents to 1TradeMarket disclosing or
comply with internal AML/CTF procedures. You
transferring the Client's information to any other
agree that we may disclose information which you
jurisdiction in which 1TradeMarket representatives,
provide to us, or about transactions you have with
Associated Companies, Group Entities or service
us or which you seek to conduct with us, if we are
providers are located. 1TradeMarket will take appropriate
required to do so by any applicable laws in any
measures to protect the security of the Client’s
personal data and details of the companies and
countries involved in processing the Client’s
You represent and warrant to us that the payment
personal data will be provided upon request to
of moneys by us in accordance with your account
1TradeMarket Data Protection Officer.
application, or any instructions given by you, will
not breach laws in any country.
The Client has the right, on payment of a
reasonable fee, as determined by 1TradeMarket to receive a
copy of the information it holds about the Client, to
the extent that it constitutes the Client’s personal
information. If the Client wishes to exercise this
1TradeMarket may obtain information (including personal
right, the Client should write to the Data Protection
data) from the Client during the course of its
relationship with the Client. This section describes
some of the key issues in relation to how we process
If the Client would like to change or modify
this personal data, which the Client should be
information previously provided to 1TradeMarket to remove
aware of. Please note that this description is not
information from its database or elect not to receive
5 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
certain communications from us, the Client should
1TradeMarket will provide all clients, via the electronic
do so by writing to the Data Protection Officer.
trading platform(s), with access to bothdaily and
historical account statements allowing you to check
1TradeMarket is dedicated to protecting data and to
your open positions, Margin requirements and cash
promote compliance with rules set forth by, among
balances, and trading confirmations. Should you
others, the European Union.
have any queries relating to your statements we
encourage you to contact us.
This Agreement shall be supplemented by the
General Data Protection Compliance form
OTC and exchange traded contracts can be
available on our website at www.1trademkt.com
highly leveraged and speculative with a high
degree of risk. Potential investors and traders
should be experienced in foreign exchange
contracts and CFD products or understand and
accept the risks of investing in Exchange traded
If any event occurs which has the effect of making or
and OTC contracts.
declaring it unlawful or impracticable for 1TradeMarket to
offer or to maintain transactions to you in
We recommend that you consult your financial
accordance with the terms outlined in these Terms
adviser or obtain other independentadvice before
& Conditions, 1TradeMarket may immediately terminate
trading in the products offered by 1TradeMarket. 1TradeMarket does
these terms by providing you written notice of that.
not and will not give your personal financial advice.
A termination of these terms will also result in the
closure of all transactions. Any such termination will
If the Client does not fully understand the risks
not relieve you of any obligations you may have to
associated with 1TradeMarket’s services, then they should
1TradeMarket in accordance with these terms prior to the
not use 1TradeMarket’s services
For this clause, events include any change in law,
regulation, treaty, order, official directive or ruling
or in their interpretation or application by any
The Client represents and warrants to 1TradeMarket that
governmental authority or agent, and the
each such representation and warranty is deemed
introduction, implementation, operation or taking
repeated each time you open or close a contract by
effect of, any law, regulation, treaty, order or official
directive or ruling.
reference to the circumstances prevailing at such
time, that:
• Delivery and execution by the Client of this
Agreement, and performance of all of the
In order to open an account, you are required to
Client’s obligations considered under this
complete, sign, and return an online Application.
Agreement, does not violate any Law
Your Application to open an account must be
applicable to the Client.
approved by 1TradeMarket. 1TradeMarket reserves the right to refuse
• All information provided by the Client to
to open an account for any person.
1TradeMarket is true, correct and complete, and the
Client will notify 1TradeMarket promptly of any
1TradeMarket only accepts Margin FX Contract and CFD
changes to such information.
order instructions via the electronic trading
• That information nor the Client's conduct
platform(s). You are required to access the
or the conduct of anyone acting on its
electronic trading platform(s) on a daily basis to
behalf in relation to the transactions
confirm that any order instructions you submitted
contemplated by this Agreement, was or
have in fact been received by us, to re-confirm all
is misleading, by omission or otherwise.
orders that you placed with us, to review order
• The Client shall make ongoing disclosure
confirmations we provided, to ensure their
to 1TradeMarket of any matters that may affect the
accuracy and monitor your Margin obligations. Any
operation of this Agreement or of the
order discrepancies identified must be reported to
ability of the Client to pay Margin Calls or
us immediately.
to remain solvent.
6 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
In addition to other remedies available to 1TradeMarket, if
the Client fails to pay any amount when due under
this Agreement, 1TradeMarket offset, to the extent permitted
1TradeMarket will NOT be liable for any damages, including
by law, such amount against any amount payable by
but not limited to: special, consequential,
1TradeMarket to the Client.
incidental, direct or indirect damages incurred from
the use of its website. Such damages include but
1TradeMarket is entitled to offset, against any amounts due
are not limited to, loss of profit from trading, loss
to it by the Client, any amounts received by 1TradeMarket
of profits due to the use of the general information
from or on behalf of the Client including but not
provided by third parties, inconvenience, delay,
limited to moneys received as Margin Deposits or
and slippage i n stops, technical difficulties when
Margin Calls. 1TradeMarket may determine the application
accessing the trading platforms, even if 1TradeMarket has
of any amounts which are to be offset at its own
prior knowledge of the possibility of such losses,
expenses or damages.
A Client must not offset against any amounts the
The Client shall indemnify and hold 1TradeMarket harmless
client owes to C L M by any amounts 1TradeMarket owes to
from any and all liabilities, claims, costs, expenses
the Client.
and damages of any nature, including, but not
limited to, reasonable legal fees and any fees and
expenses incurred in connection with litigation,
arising out of or relating to the Client or an
Authorized User’s negligence, mistake or willful
misconduct, the violation of any Law by the Client,
The Client acknowledges and agrees, and will
or the breach by the Client of any provision of this
ensure that each Authorized User acknowledges
and agrees, that:
The Client also agrees to promptly pay 1TradeMarket for all
1TradeMarket is authorized to deduct fees from the Client
damages, costs and expenses, including
Account, upon receipt by 1TradeMarket of confirmation that
reasonable legal fees and expenses, incurred by
the Client has elected to subscribe to a particular
1TradeMarket in the enforcement of any of the provisions of
third party software or plugin.
this Agreement. The Client's obligations under this
Clause shall survive the termination of this
Client is wholly responsible for managing the risks
(including the risk of financial loss) associated with
using a third party software or plugin.
1TradeMarket is entitled to refuse to allow or terminate,
The Client is required to maintain sufficient level of
refuse access or impose limitations on certain third
Margin Deposit. 1TradeMarket reserves its full rights to close
party software or plugins at any time, at its sole
out all Open Positions, if at any time the Margin
Deposit held by 1TradeMarket is approaching or is no longer
sufficient to cover the negative mark to market
The Client is aware of the risks associated with third
value of any or all Open Positions that the Client has
party software or plugins, all of which may result in
open with 1TradeMarket.
substantial financial loss. Risks include: potentially
misleading claims made by software vendors, loss
1TradeMarket shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to
of control of trading and trades, software not
determine the mark to market value from time to
compatible with 1TradeMarket’s Online Platform, potentially
being subject to a Margin Call or a Forced
Liquidation, and fraudulent or other illegal activity
In addition to other remedies available to 1TradeMarket, if the
by software vendors.
Client fails to pay an amount when due under this
Agreement, 1TradeMarket has the right to close out or
The Client will support 1TradeMarket by providing any
terminate (by either buying or selling) any or all of
requested documents, if 1TradeMarket elects to investigate a
the Client’s Open Positions.
third party software or plugin vendor.
7 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
The act by 1TradeMarket of deducting fees from a Client
Account on behalf of a third party or referring to a
third party asset manager, software vendor or
plugin on 1TradeMarket’s website or elsewhere, is not an
endorsement of that third party or its software. 1TradeMarket
If the Client uses 1TradeMarket’s online trading platform(s)
takes no responsibility whatsoever for any losses
the Client confirms and accepts the following:
incurred by the Client or its employees, agents or
assigns, in connection with a third party or its
All transactions must be completed using the
logins and passwords assigned to the Client by
1TradeMarket reserves the right in its absolute discretion to
1TradeMarket and valid entry of the login and password will
cancel, unwind, reinstate, close out, repair, or take
constitute an authorization by the Client to
other action with respect to open or closed trades
complete the Contract specified irrespective of
where the Client is utilizing or has otherwise
whether the password and login are entered by an
engaged third party software or plugins, if in 1TradeMarket’s
Authorized User.
view, there has been an actual, suspected or
potential breach of this Agreement, or 1TradeMarket believes
The Client may be able to enter into Contracts at
acting in such a way is necessary to protect its own
the rates quoted on theOnline Platform(s).
interests, or the interests of clients.
The Client must ensure that the logins and
passwords are kept confidential and secure. The
Client must also ensure that each Authorized User to
Rate indications from 1TradeMarket are available via the
whom a login and password is provided, will keep
Online Platform(s). The Rate indication is not
them secure and confidential. The Client will advise
binding, and the Client agrees to accept the prices
1TradeMarket instantly if the Client believes or has any reason
offered by 1TradeMarket when the Contract is executed.
to believe that the login and passwords assigned to
the Client have not been kept secure and
Does 1TradeMarket Allow EAs - yes, but we reserve the right
to disable these on a client by client basis
The Client must safeguard and ensure that no
unauthorized person is able to use the logins and
passwords. As part of this obligation the Client
must ensure that each Authorized User closes out
1TradeMarket will make efforts to prevent quoting errors
the Internet browser after using the Online
from occurring. Should a quoting error occur due
to a liquidity provider’s error, platform error,
typographical error, obvious mistake in a quote or
1TradeMarket may at any time without Notice to the Client
indication or data error, A “Quoting Error”, 1TradeMarket is
suspend, withdraw or deny access to the Online
not liable for any damages, claims, losses, liabilities
Platform(s) for any reason including but not limited
or costs arising from the Quoting Error. 1TradeMarket
to security, breach, quality of service, failure by the
reserves the right to make the needed
Client to pay an amount timely or breach by the
adjustments to correct the Quoting Error. All
Client of any obligation of this Agreement.
disputes as a result of a Quoting Error(s) shall be
resolved on the basis of the fair market value, as
The features made available on the Online
determined by 1TradeMarket acting reasonably, of the
(including but not limited to stop
relevant currency or product at the time such
orders, take profit orders or limit orders, as
Quoting Error occurred.
described in the relevant PDS issued by 1TradeMarket):
1. may not result in a Contract being created
according to the Client’s desired inputs;
1TradeMarket will use all reasonable efforts to process the
2. may become unavailable; and
Client’s Contract order on a timely basis.
3. do not result in any guaranteed Contract
Nevertheless, 1TradeMarket shall not, in the absence of
being entered into with 1TradeMarket.
willful misconduct, be liable for damages, delays,
failures or errors in the completion of the Contract
8 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
any Manifest Error. In the event that a Manifest Error
is made by any Market, Exchange, Bank,
CONTROL OF 1TradeMarket
information source, official on whom we reasonably
rely, we will not be liable to you for any loss, cost,
If 1TradeMarket is unable to perform its obligations under
claim, demand, or expense.
this Agreement or a Contract because of any
1TradeMarket Online Facility: Access to the 1TradeMarket Online
possible factors beyond 1TradeMarket’s control or because
Facility is provided "as is ". 1TradeMarket makes no
of a Force Majeure Event, 1TradeMarket will notify the Client
warranties, express or implied representations, or
as soon as is reasonably practicable and will use
guarantees as to the merchantability, fitness for any
all reasonable endeavors to secure the return of
particular purpose or otherwise with respect to the
any money paid by the Client in respect of which
1TradeMarket Online Facility, its content, any documentation
1TradeMarket has been u n a b l e to discharge its obligations
or any hardware or software provided. Technical
under this Agreement.
difficulties could be encountered in connection
with the 1TradeMarket Online Facility. These difficulties
include, but are not limited to: failures, delays,
malfunction, software erosion or hardware
A “Manifest Error" means a manifest or obvious
damage, which difficulties as a result of hardware,
misquote by 1TradeMarket, or any Market, Exchange, Bank,
software or communication link inadequacies or
information source or official on whom we
other causes. Such difficulties could lead to
reasonably rely, having regard to the current
possible economic and/or data loss. In no event will
market conditions at the time of an order is placed.
1TradeMarket or its Affiliates or any of their employees be
When determining whether or not a condition
liable for any possible loss (including loss of profit
amounts to a Manifest Error, 1TradeMarket will take into
or revenue whether direct or indirect), cost or
account all information in its control including
information concerning all relevant market
consequential, unforeseeable, special or indirect
conditions and any error in, or lack of clarity of any
damages or expense which might occur as a result
information source or announcement.
of or arising out of using, accessing, installing,
maintaining, modifying, de-activating or attempting
When making a determination as to whether or not
to access the 1TradeMarket Online Facility orotherwise.
a situation amounts to a Manifest Error, 1TradeMarket act
fairly towards you however the fact that you may
have entered into, or refrained from entering into, a
contract or transaction in reliance on an order
The internet, connectivity delays, and price feed
placed with us shall not be taken into account by us
errors will sometimes cause conditions where the
in determining whether there has been a Manifest
prices displayed on 1TradeMarket’s trading screen do not
Error. 1TradeMarket reserve the right, without prior notice, to:
accurately reflect market rates. The concept of
arbitrage, or taking advantage of these internet
adjust the details of such a transaction to reflect
delays, cannot exist in a market where the Client is
what 1TradeMarket considers in its discretion, working in
buying or selling directly from the market maker.
good faith, to be the correct and or fair terms of such
1TradeMarket does not permit the practice of arbitrage on
transaction absent such Manifest Error(s):
our online facilities. The client acknowledges and
agrees to this and 1TradeMarket can rely on the Client’s
if Client does not promptly agree to any adjustment
acceptance of this. If 1TradeMarket determines that a
or amendment made under (a) herein we may void
Contract individually or together reasonably
from its inception any transaction resulting from or
appears to rely on price latency arbitrage
derived from a Manifest Error, and or refrain from
opportunities, 1TradeMarket may revoke those Contracts
taking any action at all to adjust or amend the
without further liability to the Client. To give effect
details or void of any such transaction.
to this, 1TradeMarket may make necessary or prudent
amendments, corrections or adjustments on the
1TradeMarket shall not be liable to you for any loss, cost,
account involved. Any dispute arising from such
claim, demand or expense you suffer (including loss
apparent arbitraging will be resolved by 1TradeMarket in its
of profits or any indirect or consequential losses)
sole and absolute discretion.
resulting from a Manifest Error or our decision to
enforce the details of a transaction notwithstanding
9 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
Note: Scalping refers to a trading strategy that makes
profits by opening and then closing the position
"multiple times", "willfully", or "in enormous volume"
This Agreement may be terminated immediately
within 180 seconds.
by the Client or C L M by Notice to the other in
writing. However, termination by either party shall
not affect any Contract or other transaction
previously entered into and shall not relieve either
party of any outstanding obligations arising out of
this Agreement, nor shall it relieve the Client of any
These Terms & Conditions a r e subject to any
obligations arising out of any Contract entered into
mandatory requirements imposed by the law of your
prior to such termination.
country of residence and shall be governed by the
law in force in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and
In the event that 1TradeMarket becomes aware of or has
you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the
reason to believe any of thefollowing:
courts of that place.
• that the Client has provided false or
If any part of these Terms & Conditions are unlawful,
misleading information to 1TradeMarket; or
void or unenforceable under the law of any
• that the Client has participated or is
jurisdiction, that part will be deemed severable and
participating or has assisted or is assisting
will not affect the validity and enforceability of any
remaining provisions under the law of that jurisdiction
in money laundering or terrorist financing; or
and the legality, validity or enforceability of that part
• that the Client is being officially investigated
under the law of any other jurisdiction will not in any
by law enforcement and/or regulatory
way be affected.
The parties recognize electronic and magnetic
recordings as evidence when settling disputable
Then 1TradeMarket, at its sole discretion, may terminate this
matters, as in order to state any facts concerning
Agreement immediately by Notice to the Client,
the obligations for trading operations in the
and 1TradeMarket shall be relieved of any obligations set
Derivatives markets.
out in this Agreement or arising out of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
Without preventing any other method of service, any
including any obligations arising out of any
document in a court action may be served on a party
Contract already entered into with 1TradeMarket.
by being delivered to or left at that party’s address for
service of notices as notified to the other party from
1TradeMarket strictly monitor all trading accounts. Any
time to time.
motive and or manipulation including but not
limited to: willful misconduct, fraud, attack,
commission-laundering, or unusual transaction,
1TradeMarket without notice reserves the right to determine
The parties must use all their reasonable endeavors to
such situation at its discretion as
resolve any dispute arising in connection with this
Transactions caused by Willful Misconducts or
Agreement or any transactions there under.
Unusual Transactions” regardless of manual trading
or EA trading, 1TradeMarket reserves the right to deduct any
1TradeMarket has an internal dispute resolution process
profit or loss generated from the trades in addition
in place to resolve any complaintsor concerns you may
to the commission. Clients and agents of 1TradeMarket
have, quickly and fairly. Any complaints or concerns
herein agree and acknowledge that upon the final
should be directed to the Complaints Officer
determination made by 1TradeMarket after a detailed
telephone, or e-mail) at the e-mail address a n d
telephone numbers provided in the 1TradeMarket PDS.
investigation of the account, Clients and agents are
required to fully obey without any objection or
1TradeMarket will provide acknowledgement of receipt of
determination by 1TradeMarket.
written complaints within 3 business days and seek to
resolve and respond to complaints within 30 business
1TradeMarket provides different account types, if scalping is
days of receipt. We willinvestigate your complaint, and
undertaken in the account type where scalping is not
provide you with our decision, and the reasons on
allowed, such practices will be deemed as fraud as
which it is based, in writing.
defined above.
10 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you have the
right to engage legal counsel.
PDS Product Disclosure Statement
QUOTE ERROR has the meaning stated on page
seven (7) of this agreement.
AGREEMENT means these Terms & Conditions
REGISTERED OFFICE means the registered office of
together with all other documents which are referred
to in this Terms & Conditions.
AUTHORISED USER means Client provided list of
SCALPING refers to a trading strategy that makes
people authorized to access 1TradeMarket’s services and/or
profits by opening and then closing the position
enter into Contracts on the Client’s behalf
"multiple times", "willfully", or "in enormous volume"
within 180 seconds.
CFD means Contract for Difference
Additional definition of terms found in 1TradeMarket’s PDS.
1TradeMarket means 1TradeMarket Ltd.
EXECUTED as an agreement.
1TradeMarket WEBSITE means 1TradeMarket Ltd. website located
at www.1trademkt.com or elsewhere.
CLIENT means the Client named in the Account
Opening Form, together with its officers, directors,
employees and agents.
CONTRACT means a transaction in which the Client
agrees to purchase or sell a currency, CFD, other
derivative from or to 1TradeMarket or enter into any other
transaction with 1TradeMarket.
FORCE MAJURE EVENT means events or causes
including, but not limited to, the following: an act of
God, unavoidable accident of navigation, sabotage,
civil commotion, national emergency, martial law,
failure of a transmission or communication network,
strike or other labor difficulty or expropriation,
restriction, prohibition, law, regulation, decree or
other legally enforceable order of a government
agency, breakage or accident, change of International
law or regulation or any damage of 1TradeMarket's machinery
or systems, unless occurring as a result of an act,
omission, default or negligence of the Client or 1TradeMarket.
INTERNET means the interconnected system of
networks that connects computers, and electronic
handheld devices globally, and includes any online
trading platform(s) provided by 1TradeMarket.
JURISDICTION These Terms & Conditions are
subject to any mandatory requirements imposed by
the law of your country of residence and shall be
governed by the law in force in Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines and you submit to the non-exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of that place.
OPEN POSITION is where a client has entered into a
transaction with 1TradeMarket, and a further transaction has not
been entered into in order to close the position.
11 | Terms & Conditions | 1TradeMarket